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Amazon Supplement and Supply List for the FLCCC

(Front Line Covid Critical Care Alliance)

To save patients time and effort, Dr. Anna Yoder has compiled supplies and supplements for creating individual prevention and treatment kits. While numerous supplements are widely promoted and used, the supplements listed here are from the FLCCC’s core protocol (Button Linked Below) for the prevention and early outpatient treatment of sars-cov-2- 19. These items have been personally reviewed for quality, fewest fillers possible, and range of price points. 

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."

-Benjamin Franklin

FLCCC Covid Prevention and Treatment

Disclaimer: The owner of this website is an Amazon affiliate. As an Amazon Associate, the owner earns from qualifying purchases. Anything purchased through an affiliate link or partner/affiliate coupon code as directed from the owner of the blog has no impact on the final price paid by the consumer, however, a small portion of the sale is paid to the owner of this website. This owner of this website relies on word-of-mouth marketing, and believes in honesty of relationship, transparency and integrity.

For Coloradoans- please visit the COVID webpage:

Colorado Monoclonal Antibody Information
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